Pediatric Challenges and CranioSacral Therapy
Pediatric Challenges and CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy for Pediatrics workshops will show you how to work with the special issues that surround the application of CranioSacral Therapy and SomatoEmotional Release as they relate to infants and children. As with all CST and SER classes, this workshop will consist largely of lecture, demonstration and practice. However, this class will also include several experiential exercises, including one SER lab, in order to help you better understand and “meet” children where they are and addresses the special application of CranioSacral Therapy, SomatoEmotional Release and Energy Cyst Release on infants and children.
- 10 Signs That Your Baby needs CranioSacral Therapy
- Is Your Pregnancy Missing CranioSacral Therapy
- CranioSacral Therapy for Infants
- Applications of CranioSacral Therapy in Newborns and Infants
- CranioSacral Therapy; Applications for Autism
- Alleviating Ear Infections Through Craniosacral Therapy
- Lip Tie and Tongue Tie and CST:
- The Role of the CranioSacral Therapist in the Treatment of Ankyloglossia (Tongue-Tie)
- Manual therapy for the pediatric population: a systematic review
- US Physician Recommendations to their Patients About the Use of Complementary Health Approaches
- How Long Does Colic Last? Don’t Worry This Too Shall Pass
- Infant Colic What Works a Systematic Review of Interventions for Breast Fed Infants
- Meghan King Edmonds Claims Chiropractor Helped Correct Her 7-Month-Old Son’s Vision Problems
- The Benefits of CranioSacral Therapy for Babies
- What Happens to a Woman’s Brain When She Becomes a Mother
- A Tongue Restriction Isn’t Always a Tongue Tie
- CST for Kids with Special Needs
- The Right Touch: CranioSacral Therapy for Kids with Special Needs
- CranioSacral Therapy for Babies
- The Use of Craniosacral Therapy To Treat Gastroesophageal Reflux in Infants
- Cranial-Sacral Therapy: A Safe and Effective Healing Approach for the Hyperkinetic Child
- Special Touch Therapy Helps Kids
- A Program for Children to Enhance Compassion and Self-Esteem and Reduce Violence
- Non-Invasive, Gentle Treatment for Colicky, Fussy Babies
- Children’s Program and Book Demonstrate the Power of Compassionate Touch
- No More Earaches
- CranioSacral Therapy as a Treatment for Breach Pregnancy
- Strong Enough for Parents, Gentle Enough for Their Kids
- Treatment Preferences for Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Children with Chronic Pain
- Baby with plagiocephaly
For a complete list of articles and research, visit our Searchable Article Database
- Sensory Integration – Facilitating your Child’s Development – An Introductory Program
- CranioSacral Therapy and Pediatrics Videos
- Online Video – CranioSacral Therapy and Pediatrics
Click to watch videos about CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral, and Neural Manipulation.
Educational Products
- A Brain is Born textbook
- Online Video – CranioSacral Therapy and Pediatrics
- Discover CranioSacral Therapy for Children Brochures – 75 /pkg
Click for a complete list of patient information and resources.
The Dr. John E. Upledger Foundation
The Dr. John E. Upledger Foundation was formed to raise awareness, support and treatment for CranioSacral Therapy. We hope you join us as we continue the legacy of giving to the CranioSacral Therapy community and those who benefit from the work. Your contribution is greatly appreciated. For more information on the foundation please visit www.upledger.org.
Click to read more testimonials.
Case Studies
- Inclusion of Chiropractic care in multidisciplinary management of a child with Prader-Willi syndrome: a case report
- CranioSacral Therapy – Lactation & Torticollis
- CranioSacral Therapy – Mild Cerebral Palsy
- Manual Therapies Promote Continence and Mobility in a Patient with Cerebellar Agenesis
- CranioSacral Therapy – Birth Trauma/Torticollis
- Chiropractic care of a pediatric patient with symptoms associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease, fuss-cry-irritability with sleep disorder syndrome and irritable infant syndrome of musculoskeletal origin
- General Movements in preterm infants undergoing craniosacral therapy: a randomised controlled pilot-trial
- Newborn Eating Trouble
- Infant and CranioSacral Therapy
Click to see more Case Studies.