Spinal Cord Injuries and CranioSacral Therapy
Spinal Cord Injuries and CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system – comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.
The following are select resources most commonly requested and available throughout our website, but grouped here for your convenience for the topic of Spinal Cord Injuries and CranioSacral Therapy.
- CranioSacral Therapy….What is it really?
- What is CranioSacral Therapy?
- Gentle Touch: Discovering CranioSacral Therapy
- A Look Inside the Craniosacral System and How CST Helps
- Understanding the Contraindications
For a complete list of articles and research, visit our Searchable Article Database
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Additional Services and Information
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The Dr. John E. Upledger Foundation
The Dr. John E. Upledger Foundation was formed to raise awareness, support and treatment for CranioSacral Therapy. We hope you join us as we continue the legacy of giving to the CranioSacral Therapy community and those who benefit from the work. Your contribution is greatly appreciated. For more information on the foundation please visit www.upledger.org or donate to support the Alzheimer’s Intensive Therapy Program.
“A new patient from out of state, an athlete with a T4 spinal cord injury (completely numb & no movement below her shoulder blades), now has feeling all the way to her feet, including complete, normal feeling down to her hips, and she can move her entire back and one of her legs. They’re now hopeful that she will walk again on her own.”
A. Gabriel, Arizona
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Case Studies
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- Your Inner Physician and You by Dr. John E. Upledger, DO
This lively book describes the discovery and therapeutic value of the craniosacral system in easy, understandable terms healthcare professionals and laypeople alike can understand. - An Answer to Your Pain by Upledger Institute International, Inc.
This compendium of case stories has been written by practitioners to share with you the power and possibilities of CST. These case stories serve as a testament that CranioSacral Therapy may be an answer to your pain. - Reclaiming Your Body by Suzanne Scurlock-Duranna, CMT, CST-D
Reclaiming Your Body: Healing from Trauma and Awakening to Your Body’s Wisdom shows that the body’s abilities are always available; we must simply learn to tune into them. - Brain Stars, Glia Illuminating CranioSacral Therapy by Tad Wanveer
The author, Tad Wanveer, is also the illustrator of this book. He uses an abundance of images along with words to convey the essential interworking of neurons, glia, vasculature, and the craniosacral system (CSS). Glial cell function was once thought to primarily provide the central nervous system (CNS) with structural support. - CST: Touchstone for Natural Healing by Dr. John E. Upledger, DO
This delightful and thoroughly readable book expands on concepts originally presented in Your Inner Physician and You to offer new insights into the promise of CranioSacral Therapy. CranioSacral Therapy: Touchstone for Natural Healing is packed with fresh information, and uses poignant case stories of restored health: a five-year old autistic boy, a man with Erb’s palsy, a woman with a 15-year history of headaches, and many more.
Click for a complete product list of books.